Morgan Alexander offers a practical and proven methodology for assessing and developing senior management teams that enable them to perform at their best. A high-performing leadership team generates an energetic response from employees, vendors, investors, and even customers. This energy allows the organization to deliver on its mission. In contrast, splits and conflicts in the top ranks are a sure sign of ineffective leadership, which ultimately leads to organizational failure.

When it comes to coaching effective leadership teams, it's not enough to articulate visionary and heartfelt goals. Vision statements carved into marble mean little without genuine commitment and alignment across the organization. It's not enough to restructure the organization and align management processes around those goals. Tidy organization charts won't lead to better decision making if no attention is paid to how decisions are made. It's not enough to focus on the 'soft' issues of interaction styles and management relationships.

Getting a senior management team to perform at its absolute best requires an approach that incorporates all three of these dimensions: Direction, Organization and People. Typical coaching services only focus on their favorite of these three areas. Morgan Alexander's framework allows us to drill down and address issues within each of these dimensions, identify interrelationships, and plot the highest potential path for your leadership team and organization.

Head of Technology & Operations, Union Bank

Let's face it, the people side of the equation is the hardest part. The top performers who I have worked with are smart, hard charging, self-sufficient, and fierce competitors. They aren't always the best team players. You have to get people to do what's right for the whole group, to move beyond their differences, and to interact as colleagues with a common purpose. Morgan is always able to open up the discussion so that we can address the real issues without any lingering hard feelings and regain the collective commitment to the strategy.

Chairman, Chiron Corporation

Getting the team to work well together is crucial. You want the team to raise the tough issues, and to be able to work through the cross division and cross-functional challenges of implementing a strategy. When you get it right, you set an infectious precedent for collaboration and creative problem-solving, which is immensely satisfying. Morgan's ability to broker discussions that are at once sensitive to the people issues as well as the business needs has been a great help.


VP, Business and Government Market, Apple Computer

When I first joined Apple, our group was under-performing because of a lack of organizational vision and teamwork. The organization included functions that accounted for well over $1 billion in revenue. Morgan Alexander helped me get shared commitment to our vision and our group's performance changed dramatically.