There are three reasons why Coaching the Team makes so much sense.
1. Coaching individuals focuses on improving their personal effectiveness and leadership style. Coaching the leadership team focuses on elevating organization-wide performance. That is a huge difference in impact.
2. The leadership team is more coachable than an individual. While there is much we can do to help individuals grow, realistically, there are limits to how much people can learn or change. Whereas when coaching the team, we unite the organization around a common mission, clarify responsibilities, and improve cross-functional processes and working relationships.
3. Individuals learn better in the team context. We know that individual behavior is significantly shaped by social norms. The team’s aspirations for the business, and the kind of team they want to be, set these expected norms
c. Gaining feedback against these expectations and sharing personal conclusions with the rest of the team creates behavioral change in a way that isolated work does not.